Goat livestock represent livestock which is public to be looked after in is rural. Problem
what is often met disease attack which is very harm breeder
because can pursue growth, reproduction even death of livestock.
To breeder in rural to cure ill livestock often experience of
difficulty, karna far from town ( drugstore) and too costly drug price
difficult so that reached by breeder. To overcome the mentioned, require to look for
other alternative that is by using existing traditional drug and can
be conducted breeder and also its cheap price. But that way the effort prevention also
require to be conducted with livestock keep cleaning and its environment, giving
nutritions which enough ( amount and quality), nontoxic and clean.
Some disease which often attack goat livestock and can cure
traditionally among others shall be as follows:
Parasite found on dirt that happened because dirty cage and
livestock have never been bathed.
Sign- sign - Crust - crust at surface of husk - Livestock always friction part of attacked by husk is scabies - Fur Kerontokan, husk become stiff and thick
Medication :
Shave Fur around area attacked, bathing livestock with soap until
cleanness, later;then put to the sun run dry. After running dry can dose with
using 1. Brimstone attenuated, to be mingled by palm oil and turmeric, later;then
heated and rubbed by ill husk 2. Brimstone attenuated and mixed with oli ex- and rubbed at
part of ill husk 3. Kamper / digerus camphor, mix of palm oil and dabbed
at part of ill husk.
Prevention - diseased Livestock of scabies may not mixed with livestock which is
healthy - Livestock which is just bought have to free from scabies disease - Bathing two week livestock once - Cleaning cage one week once.
bloody Hurt Area is infection by fly so that fly expand
prolificly and yield maggot larva.
Marking - Existence of maggot oscillating at wounded shares - If/When maggot at foot/feet / random hence livestock seen cripple.
Medication - Cleaning hurt from maggot, later;then dose with gerusan kamper / tobacco or camphor - Hurt wrapped with cloth / band to protect against the happening of hurt new or dirt - On is next of hurt cleaned, medication repeated and re-wrapped
. Usually two or thrice medication have recovered - If/When maggot have been eradicated, giving tinctur iodine can wear to quicken growth.
All kinds of worm happened because dirty cage or field
dirty pengembalaan.
Marking - Thin, fur rather standing and is not lustrous - Or mencret constipation - pale and Drawn - Rahang area seen to swell - Sudden death
Medication 1. Flour Betelnut mixed with warm rice to blodeds
is later;then forced to be eaten livestock. Livestock suggested to
be fasted beforehand 2. Kelor the old man leaf burned, later;then its dirt mingled by water and drinked. Medication repeated one week later;then.
Prevention - Cage made cleanness and podium - Sickle grass after heat that is at 12.00-15.00 or
pengembalaan of livestock in the day time 10.00 AM to 3.00 PM - Don'T herd livestock at bog area, rice field and river
Cause - Livestock eat pregnant foliage or rumput-rumputan
poison Iihat vitamin.
Marking - sudden Dead, foamy mouth, blue at the mucous membrane,
flaking [of] husk / eczema or happened haemorrahage.
Medication - Brainwash livestock with young coconut water.
Prevention - Do not give poisonous crop or herd livestock in
area which growing many crop which poisonous.
30 July 2008
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